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Amazon PPC Agency - When does cooperation make sense?

An Amazon PPC agency deals with the advertising of your products on Amazon. The aim is to make your brand better known on the one hand. On the other hand, to bring your products to the man or woman. It is also important that the advertising is played in exactly the places where it reaches potential buyers. With an Amazon PPC agency on your side, this will definitely be much easier.

What exactly is Amazon PPC?

Amazon offers its merchants a whole lot of different ways to advertise on Amazon itself, but also on other platforms. When we talk about Amazon PPC, we mean Amazon Pay-Per-Click . This means that with this advertising option, the advertiser pays per click.

it's not just the advertising space that is paid for, but you as the advertiser on Amazon pay for every potential customer who clicks on your ad. Of course, this has the advantage that you only pay something if someone actually responds to your advertising. However, it has the disadvantage that not every click on your ad generates a sale.

So you also pay for all those customers who clicked on your ad, but then didn't buy anything from you.

Amazon PPC Campaigns - What are the options?

If you want to run PPC ads on Amazon, it's important to familiarize yourself with how advertising works on Amazon. For example, there is a whole range of different campaigns that are played out in different ways. In addition, your ads can be delivered to potential customers in different ways.

For example, advertising can be based on keywords. But also on the ASIN number - the number that each product receives from Amazon itself - or on individual product types.

make your advertising really successful, you first have to select the right ad type. Here are the following three types to choose from:
  • Sponsored Products Campaigns
  • Sponsored Brands Campaigns
  • Sponsored Display Campaigns

Sponsored Products Campaigns

The goal of these campaigns is to increase traffic to your product pages. A sponsored product campaign primarily increases the visibility of your products. Such campaigns are played out via previously booked keywords or products. If a potential customer then searches on Amazon for the keyword or the product on which your campaign is to be displayed, your product will also be displayed in the search results.

Sponsored Display Campaigns

These ads are also keyword and/or product driven. The goal here is to draw more attention to your brand and your product. The aim is to increase both brand awareness and sales.

Sponsored Brands Campaigns

These ads are aimed at direct contact with users who have already shown interest in a particular topic or even in your product. In this case, the display of the ad is not controlled by a keyword or a product, but very specifically by user behavior. In such a campaign, the ads appear mainly with people who have at least once thought about buying your product.

Where the respective ads are displayed also depends largely on how high your own bid per click is. An agency can assist you in choosing the right campaign for you and your products, in designing the right campaign mix, and in selecting the right bid. In this way, you can ensure that you achieve optimal success with your existing marketing budget.
Nice to know
Unlike other platforms, Amazon also counts purchases made via Amazon PPC Ads for the ranking of your products. So if the placed ads lead to more purchases, the result is a better ranking of your products in the organic search results even after the promotion. Ideally, you benefit from well-placed advertising twice - once with more sales in the advertising phase itself and secondly with better visibility and reach during and especially after the campaign.

What should you look for when choosing the right Amazon PPC agency?

When choosing the right Amazon PPC agency, it basically comes down to three main points.

1) Transparency in all actions and measures

The field of advertising is something that can devour a lot of money per month. Ideally, your revenue should be proportional to your advertising expenses. This would mean that your sales curve would be at least the same as the curve for advertising expenditure - but of course much higher.

To ensure that this really works and that you can take direct countermeasures if sales and expenditure do not develop as desired, it is important that your agency discusses all planned advertising measures with you and obtains your approval. This way, you can see where the advertising budget is being spent and learn your own strategies for the future.

2) Make sure experts are on board

The world of Amazon Ads is not easy to understand at first glance. It takes a lot of dedication and time to fully understand the intricacies and opportunities that can present themselves to you as a merchant. In addition, Amazon changes its advertising platform every now and then. New options are offered here and old variants are modified or discontinued altogether.

To ensure that your PPC Ads are always optimally aligned with your objectives, it is important that your agency is really up to speed. In fact, this only works if the employees at the Amazon PPC agency you trust also have the corresponding experience.

3) Place value on references

Depending on the size of your company, the budget for advertising expenses can quickly reach four to five figures. So that you can be sure that this money is really well spent, you should also make sure that you are dealing with professionals. How good an agency really is can often be seen from the companies it has already supported or is supporting.

Are they really successful on the market? If so, how long has the agency in question worked for these companies and how have the results changed there during this time? Only when these questions are answered and you can understand to what extent a collaboration with this agency could also benefit you, does a collaboration really make sense.

Conclusion: The right Amazon PPC agency - a great way to take your business to the next level!

You want to launch new products and position them on the market as effectively and successfully as possible? Then you should think about hiring an Amazon PPC agency.

We at Stacvalley are happy to accompany you and your company in the launch of new products. We help you to position your products and your brand on the market so that you are and remain successful in the long term.

Our experts make your Amazon advertising profitable!

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