8 min reading time

Amazon FBA Pictures - your way to more success in business

Amazon FBA images are the heart of any product presentation. For this reason, there are a lot of things to consider. In the following article, we have looked into a few important questions on this topic. For example, the question of whether it makes sense to create your own product images.

, the question of the best possible optimization must also be addressed. We show you how to get the best Amazon FBA images.

What makes Amazon FBA images so important?

E-commerce is a steadily growing form of commerce. But it is also a very unique one. When you store online, you can't touch, try on or otherwise test the products you put in your virtual shopping cart. Nor can they feel the texture until the product has arrived at home.

The only way to check whether the product will be right for your potential customers is to look at the product photos. For this reason, they should be as informative as possible. In today's online commerce, product photos are the be-all and end-all. They decide whether you stand out from the crowd of products on offer and whether potential buyers take notice of you or whether you simply get lost among an infinite number of other products.

the end of the day , product images are eye-catchers and the main selling point in equal measure. Only with high-quality images will your sales really be successful in the long run.
Nice to know
Even if you have the best product on the market - without appropriate product images, no one will see that and therefore no one will honor it. It can be simplified and stated that a bad product with excellent product images sells well - but an excellent product with bad product images hardly sells at all.

The important thing here is that the products also match the quality of the images. Otherwise, you will have to deal with a relatively large number of returns, because customers may have expected better quality after seeing the pictures.

Can't you take your Amazon FBA pictures yourself?

This is a question that numerous Amazon FBA merchants have already asked themselves over the years - and some have tackled the difficult task. In the vast majority of cases, they have failed miserably. There are a number of reasons for this.

For one, Amazon FBA images should always be professionally designed and made. Pictures taken with a cell phone camera or a small compact camera are quite easily recognized as such. To create really good product photography, you need a lot of experience in marketing and sales psychology. Only with these skills will you be able to create a coherent image concept that will encourage a potential buyer to make a purchase on Amazon. Equally important are extensive, expensive equipment as well as the appropriate craftsmanship.

As mentioned above, the images are ultimately the point that decides whether a customer buys from you or from a competitor. That alone should be reason enough to let real professionals do the work here and thus increase your chances of good sales figures as much as possible.

What is the difference between an agency and a freelancer when creating Amazon FBA images?

This is easily explained. In a good agency, product photos are made in the following order:
  1. A concept for the presentation of the product is created.
  2. The photos are professionally created in our own studio.
  3. Ideally, product photos should be designed in such a way that they answer all questions - for this purpose, the photos are reworked in our company using a graphics program and, in some cases, captions and, if necessary, even short explanations are added.
  4. Various graphics are created which give identity to the brand & product. In these additional information like the material, product dimensions etc. can be found. From the graphics, the customer should be able to read the texture. Furthermore, it should be recognizable here what exactly makes this product so extraordinary for him.
  5. Afterwards the photos and ideally also the product video are put online.
While in an agency various departments and employees work on the individual steps, a freelancer handles the entire process alone. Even if he is an advertising professional and product photographer - creating the photography and the subsequent editing and staging are two completely different areas.

How do you find a good agency for your Amazon FBA images?

Here you should pay attention above all to the existing references of the agency. This has two advantages. On the one hand, if an agency has many references, you can already see how the agency has worked in the past. Quite a few providers develop their own style of product presentation over the years. You can only recognize this style if you take a closer look at the references of the respective provider.

Furthermore, if you look at the references of an agency, you can recognize how successful the products are that are accompanied by this agency. If the success of the products is rather low, you should rather look around further.
By the way
our site you will find more than 300 examples of very well done product photography. The success of our customers is measurable and traceable to the very good quality of the product photos and product videos produced, as well as the product descriptions. Ultimately, however, it is primarily the product photos that draw prospective customers to your product pages. Just have a look around our site - you're sure to find the style that suits you for your product.

Production of Amazon FBA images - What should you consider?

We have compiled six points here that you should definitely pay attention to if you want to commission Amazon FBA product images.
  1. Compared to the competition, your product images must stand out. Ultimately, it is your cover image that must encourage the potential customer to buy. If your image can't do that, another retailer's cover image will have more success.
  2. Your product image has a clear mission: you must manage to convince the potential customer of the quality of the product through the product images alone. You also have to convince him that this purchase is necessary for him.
  3. Through your product images, the product must be explained in an understandable way - even if it is a bit more complicated to use. Only if the customer has no more questions after viewing product images and video, he will consider a purchase.
  4. With the help of the product photos, all the functions of the product should be presented clearly and comprehensibly.
  5. The advantages and benefits of the product must be communicated in an understandable way.
  6. The product must look high quality.
Nice to know
Even a "small" retailer with only a few products can sell itself very professionally via the product images. This gives the customer the feeling that he has landed with a good and big brand and the often existing prejudices against "small" dealers suddenly no longer play a role in the purchase decision.

It may also be worthwhile to revise existing material

Don't worry - even if you created all your photos yourself at the beginning of your career as an Amazon merchant - it's never too late to optimize your product presentation. You can do this, for example, by commissioning an agency like Stacvalley to optimize your existing product pages.

The first thing we do is check your existing images. What can be optimized, our experts optimize. If important images, scenes or angles are missing, they are retaken. By the way, optimizing the product page can even push products that were already quite successful on the road.

Conclusion: Amazon FBA images as a real incentive to buy

If you choose the right agency for your Amazon FBA images, your products will be staged so professionally from the very beginning that potential buyers will quickly snap them up. The most important thing is to stand out from the crowd. This and the fact that your product images fully represent and explain your products usually leads to good sales figures.

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